Busy city projects in close proximity to roads and vehicles require expert Melbourne road traffic management to keep workers and the public safe.
These sites can be a hive of activity, with trucks moving in and out of the work zone. Pedestrians on footpaths and motorists on roads can be mere metres away. Without a comprehensive safety plan, professional traffic controllers on hand and access to safety equipment, the results can be disastrous.
At STA Traffic Management Solutions, our expert team develops quality Melbourne road traffic management plans for clients. Our plans, and our traffic guidance schemes, are thorough, compliant with necessary regulations and designed to keep people safe. They minimise risk to workers, motorists and pedestrians. And they help ensure everyone can return home to their loved ones at the day’s end. That’s the way it should be – with safety at front of mind at all times.
We’ve also got a large team of trained and accredited traffic controllers who provide another valuable layer of safety for projects big and small. Whether you need a couple of controllers to keep traffic flowing around a short-term road maintenance job or a large dedicated crew for major infrastructure work that’s vital for the state, we can help.
Highly trained staff
You can also turn to us for a comprehensive range of safety equipment such as truck-mounted attenuators, pedestrian barriers and variable message signs.
No matter what form of Melbourne road traffic management you need, you can trust the experienced and versatile team at STA Traffic Management Solutions to provide a quality solution.
Our organisation has a proven track record in its field. We’re a one-stop shop when it comes to traffic management. Our experience, knowledge and skills are supported by specialised mapping and traffic management planning software, extensive training and qualifications as well as well-maintained safety equipment. Our staff are highly capable and won’t let you down.
From permit applications to hazard identification, traffic flow and incident management, we’ve got you covered.
If you would like to know more about our Melbourne road traffic management services, please contact our friendly crew on 1300 25 26 27.