The importance of quality traffic control in Melbourne has been obvious in the past four weeks, with back-to-school traffic adding to the rush of motorists getting to and from work.
When those vehicles are in the vicinity of construction and road projects, it is vital to have a professional traffic management team on hand to keep everyone safe – workers, pedestrians and motorists.
With key upgrades taking place on some of Melbourne’s major roadways, safely managing traffic is a key part of project organisation. It’s about keeping projects to deadlines, making sure they run smoothly and that everyone stays safe in that dangerous interface of work site and moving vehicles.
And peak traffic is another challenge traffic controllers face. According to an Infrastructure Victoria report, the afternoon peak goes for about 3.2 hours and the morning one, 2.7 hours. School drop-off and pick-up times are part of the peak-hour equation.
At STA Traffic Management Solutions, we understand the pressure school traffic and peak periods places on safety around projects. We have years of experience in designing quality traffic control plans to cope with high-volume traffic.
Our accredited and qualified traffic controllers know how to translate those plans into road-side safety the minute they step onsite. They’re committed to keeping people safe by implementing comprehensive traffic control measures and they’re great at their job.
When you think about how many major projects are on the go across across the state capital and the number of vehicles using the roads network, it’s obvious just how crucial traffic controllers in Melbourne are in these busy times. The Age newspaper reported last October that more than 1.3 million people across greater Melbourne depended on cars to get them to and from work. And there’s no sign of those numbers dropping.
That means lots of people passing by your major project. That means you need to set the safety bar high to minimise risk to everyone in the vicinity. That means you need STA Traffic Management Solutions in your corner.
For traffic control Melbourne project leaders can trust, turn to our team for a quality result. Please contact us for more information.